Saturday, May 31, 2014

Imperfectly Perfect (A Series of Imperfections, #1)

Imperfectly Perfect (A Series of Imperfections, #1)

Review of "Heart-Shaped Box" - Joe Hill

"Heart-Shaped Box" - Joe Hill

4 stars – One of the worst kept secrets in horror fiction is the true identity of Joe Hill. If you don’t already know, and don’t want to know, stop reading now. Drumroll please!!! Joe H...ill is the son of one of the bestselling authors of all time; Stephen King. Needless to say, Joe has a lot to live up to… and I think he is doing just fine.

“Heart-Shaped Box” is Hill’s debut novel and what a debut it is. I couldn’t put this one down. Judas Coyne is an aging 54 year old “shock” rock star (emphasis on the shock) with enough fame to keep the young hot goth chicks still vying for his attention. Not only does he like to keep young naïve 20 year old girls around the house but he also has an ever growing collection of morbid artifacts. These include a hangman’s noose, a skull from the 18th century and sketches from John Wayne Gacy himself. When his assistant notifies him of a ghost for sale on the internet he feels drawn to adding it to the collection. A few days later, via UPS, he receives a heart-shaped box in the mail which contains the haunted suit of a dead man. And this dead man has a score to settle. Unknowingly, Judas had invited into his home the dead stepfather, Craddock McDermott, of his now deceased young ex-lover. And Craddock blames Judas for her death.

With twists you don’t see coming, a vengeful ghost chasing a rock star cross country and rock n’ roll pop culture references galore this is a must read for any horror/rock fan.


Review of "Dust" (Silo, #3) - Hugh Howey

5 Stars – “Dust” is the third, and final, installment in the Silo series (insert hysterical crying here) and takes place in a very bleak and dim distant future. Thousands of people live in underground silo’s ...that are hundreds of levels deep. Everyone has their job to do and no one questions anything. Most especially, never question how your ancestors ended up in the silo and why you can’t ever leave. If you do, don’t be surprised when you are sent outside for a “cleaning” and die in the poisonous air. In other words, this world is the very definition of dystopia.

While the first novel “Wool” introduces us to the main characters and the philosophy of the silos, and book two “Shift” travels back in time and explains how the silo’s came to be, this book brings us to the end of the story. Prepare to fall in love with the characters you meet and to become completely intertwined with their struggles and triumphs. While some authors fail to end their series with a satisfying conclusion Howey seems to have mastered the art.

None of the books in the Silo series have let me down, this one included. After completing this series I am more than excited to start on my next post-apocalyptic adventure with Howey; one of the best new sci-fi writers out there.


Review of "Red Hill" - Jamie McGuire

5 Stars – I know what most of you are saying to yourself right now: “Really? Aren’t there enough zombie books/movies/tv shows out?” Remember what your momma always told you; never judge a book by its cover.

Though I am a devoted junkie of “The Walking Dead” I have still never labeled myself a “zombie fan”. Most of the time I find it pretty corny or way to over the top gory. On the other end of the spectrum I found “World War Z” to be downright boring… but that’s for a different review. This book is none of those things. It starts off with the classic mysterious “outbreak” leading up to an apocalyptic type setting but the writing is what sets it apart. From what I understand, before this novel, McGuire had never ventured outside of romance novels. After reading this I hope she continues pushing her boundaries. From page one I was hooked.

“Red Hill” has romance, horror, suspense and a hodgepodge of characters that all seek refuge from the undead in the same remote house, Red Hill.'


Review of Henry (The Beck Brothers #1)

Henry (The Beck Brothers #1)

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Review of Unchosen (Chosen #2)

Unchosen (Chosen #2)

Review of Unsettled (Chosen #1)

Review of Unsettled (Chosen #1)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

ARC Review of Drawn 2 - Obsession (Aaron)

ARC Review of Drawn 2 - Obsession (Aaron)

ARC Review for Drawn 2 - Redemption (Damien)

ARC Review for Drawn 2 - Redemption (Damien)


The Blog is Born!!! Today marks the beginning of many book reviews, discussions and a lot of fictional characters that we refer to as if they are real. We are so excited to have this outlet to discuss something we are so passionate about.
